
Botox Can Be Fountain of Youth Or Poison in Your Face

May 16, 2017

Derived from the botulinum toxin type A, is a brand name for a highly purified and diluted preparation of botulinum used in numerous medical and cosmetic applications. It is also sold under the names Dysport and Myobloc. Botox is most widely known for its use in removing wrinkles.

While the botulinum toxic itself is highly poisonous and even deadly, the same toxin in smaller doses can be used to safely treat a variety of conditions. Botox is most widely known for its use in removing wrinkles, but is also has numerous medical applications.

Botox was first used in medicine to treat strabismus, a condition in which a person’s eyes do not align normally, and blepahrospasm, or uncontrolled blinking. Today, Botox is the most commonly performed cosmetic operation in America, with over four and a half million people getting the treatment in 2007.

According to the rumor when you get a Botox treatment you won’t be able to show any expression. This is not at all true! If the treatment is done properly and naturally, Botox will allow you to express emotions and look great. You can easily express emotion of happiness which will make you look amazing. Emotions of sadness and anger can be reduced because these emotions cause to furrow which are diminished. This is good as studies show the less you feel angry the less unhappy and depressed you are.

Though both of these treatments reduce the appearance of wrinkles, Dermal Fillers and Botox both are two different treatments and function in a different manner. Dermal Fillers adds volume to the facial tissues and restores its giving you a youthful look, while Botox eases the muscles that produce wrinkles.

What Happens During My Consultation for Botox?
During your initial consultation, the Board Certified Plastic Surgeon performing the Botox will review your medical history. He will evaluate the skin of your face and assess the expression lines that are causing you concern. The injections can sometimes be given in the same appointment, depending on how many units you need, what medications you’re on, your current lifestyle, and how much time you have.

If you need to come back for the treatment, your surgeon may ask you to stop taking certain blood-thinning medications beforehand. You may also need to stop drinking alcohol for about one week prior to treatment.

How is a Botox Treatment Done?
Botox treatment is a simple and quick procedure. You won’t need any anesthetic or time off from work. The medication will be injected into the target muscle using very small, fine hypodermic needles. There might be a pinching sensation or some other small feeling of discomfort during the injection, but that should fade quickly.

Botox marketing makes sense as injections for wrinkles are one of the largest-expanding cosmetic treatments in the industry. In 2001, Botox advertising delivered very well, as even more than 1.6 million clients took injections, an explosion of 46 percent beyond the previous year. Even more demanded than breast enhancement treatments, Botox is regarded by some as the ultimate of providing young appearances. The increasing demand simply means that individuals are looking for botox and similar facial injectables, like collagen, Radiesse, Juvederm, Artefill, Restylane, Perlane and Cosmoderm.

